Breastfeeding Support
and Resources
- الرعاية والخدمات
- البرامج
- النساء والرضع والأطفال (WIC)
- Breastfeeding Support
Peer counselors
A WIC peer counselor is a mom like you who has breastfed her baby. East Boston WIC peer counselors are trained to help pregnant women and new moms learn to breastfeed. They are available to help you any time you need help—day or night, or even while you are still in the hospital.
Individual breastfeeding support
Our breastfeeding peer counselors speak your language and understand how best to help you breastfeed successfully. Counselors are available by phone or can meet with you at the WIC clinic.
Manual and electric breast pumps
At WIC, we will help you get a pump through your health insurance plan or our lending program.
Breastfeeding contacts
Samun Uch, IBCLC, RLC, Breastfeeding Coordinator, 617-568-6406
Souad Bellamari, Peer Counselor, 617-568-6412
Daisy Boada, Peer Counselor, 617-913-3305
Breastfeeding resources
“WIC made all the difference. I wanted to nurse my baby, but I knew only one other person who was breastfeeding. It seemed as if everyone else discouraged me, especially because I would be working part-time. But in Guatemala, where my parents are from, everyone breastfeeds. I didn’t see why I couldn’t do it, too. WIC helped me figure when my baby was ready for solid food, and how to continue breastfeeding him while working. It was nice to know I wasn’t the only one who needed help!”
– Evelyn Jimenez