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موسم الإنفلونزا وكوفيد-19 قد حل. احجز موعدك لتلقي اللقاح في ماي تشارت أو اتصل على 617-568-4500.

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Monkeypox Handout Image
Click to view our handout

Monkeypox is a rare illness caused by infection with the monkeypox virus (MPV).

Monkeypox (MPV) is spread from person to person through close physical contact, and anyone who has close physical contact with someone who has monkeypox is at risk. To learn more about how monkeypox (MPV) is spread, visit هنا.

Monkeypox Vaccine

The monkeypox vaccine is now available at EBNHC by appointment only to those who meet eligibility criteria.

Please call 617-568-4500 to schedule your appointment.

EBNHC is administering the JYNNEOS vaccine.


To receive the vaccine, you must meet all three criteria:

For additional vaccination sites, please visit the Mass.gov page on vaccinations.

To learn more about monkeypox, please visit the Boston Public Health page or download our monkeypox handout.