EBNHC President and CEO Named to Modern Healthcare’s Top Diversity Leaders List
East Boston Neighborhood Health Center President and CEO Named to Modern Healthcare’s Top Diversity Leaders List
BOSTON, MA (October 25, 2023) – East Boston Neighborhood Health Center is proud to announce that President and CEO, Greg Wilmot, was recognized by Modern Healthcare as one of 2023’s Top Diversity Leaders.
“I am deeply honored to be recognized by Modern Healthcare and want to thank my dedicated colleagues who work tirelessly to make EBNHC a leading provider of community healthcare,” said Wilmot. “At the heart of our mission is the belief that every person deserves access to high-quality healthcare. This recognition demonstrates the importance of diversity and representation in our journey towards better health for all, and the belief that we are only able to unlock the full potential of our communities and organizations by embracing and celebrating our unique strengths and differences. In doing so, EBNHC is a stronger employer, health care provider, and community partner, better able to help our patients live healthier and happier lives.”
The Top Diversity Leaders in Healthcare recognition program takes great pride in honoring the top diverse healthcare executives and organizations influencing the policy and care delivery models across the country. In doing so, they are also highlighting the continued need to nurture diversity in their organizations.
“Modern Healthcare’s 2023 Top Diversity Leaders and organizations exemplify a commitment to meaningful diversity, equity, and inclusion,” said Modern Healthcare president Dan Peres. “They have exceeded industry standards and continue to devote necessary resources to providing internal opportunities while advancing community health equity, setting a great example for others.”
As President and CEO, Wilmot leads the largest community-based primary care health system in Massachusetts, with 71% of patients identifying as Hispanic, the majority of whom are immigrants with low income, language and cultural barriers to overcome. As CEO, Wilmot has expanded EBNHC’s diverse workforce, with more than 45% of staff identifying as Latino/a/x. Greg has also increased diverse talent at the organization’s highest levels – people of color now represent 40% of the health center’s leadership team.
The profiles of all the winners are featured in the October 16, 2023 print issue of Modern Healthcare and on their website.
نبذة عن مركز صحة حي شرق بوسطن
مركز شرق بوسطن الصحي (EBNHC) هو أحد أكبر المراكز الصحية المؤهلة اتحاديًا (FQHC) في البلاد، وأكبر نظام رعاية صحية مجتمعية في ماساتشوستس، حيث يخدم أكثر من 100,000 مريض، وهو معتمد من قِبل إدارة الموارد والخدمات الصحية (HRSA) كرائد في جودة المراكز الصحية. على مدار أكثر من 50 عامًا، وفّر مركز شرق بوسطن الصحي الرعاية الشاملة للفئات المهمشة في تشيلسي، شرق بوسطن، ريفير، وينثروب، إيفريت، وساوث إند في بوسطن. يلتزم مركز شرق بوسطن الصحي بتعزيز ودعم صحة المجتمعات والأسر والأفراد من خلال توفير خدمات رعاية صحية سهلة المنال، متمحورة حول الفرد، تتسم بالتعاطف، وعالية الجودة، تشمل الرعاية الأولية، ورعاية الطوارئ على مدار الساعة طوال أيام الأسبوع، ورعاية الصحة السلوكية، والرعاية التخصصية، وبرامج الصحة والعافية المتنوعة، لجميع المقيمين والعاملين في منطقة خدمتنا. لمزيد من المعلومات، يُرجى زيارة www.ebnhc.org
For information on the Top Diversity Leaders Awards Program, contact: mhawards@modernhealthcare.com