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Vamos nos movimentar e New Balance Foundation 5K para condicionamento físico

June 7, 2025 10:00 am

It’s time to mark your calendars and sign up for the 13th Annual Vamos nos movimentar e New Balance Foundation 5K para condicionamento físico

This year’s walk/run will be held at 10:00 am on Saturday, June 7, 2025.

This special event celebrates the dedication and hard work of Let’s Get Movin’ participants and families who have been training to complete the 5K.

Bring your friends and family and join Let’s Get Movin’ for another day of walking, running, and cheering!

8:30 am Check-in & Bib Number Pickup

9:30 am Warm-up

10:00 am 5K Walk/Run Starts