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NeighborHealth anuncia grande expansão de cuidados clínicos para atender à necessidade da comunidade por cuidados primários

BOSTON, MA (September 26, 2024) – Today, Saúde do Vizinho, formerly East Boston Neighborhood Health Center, announced a multi-faceted clinical space expansion at the community health system’s 20 Maverick Square outpatient facility adjacent to MBTA’s Maverick Station in East Boston. This multi-year, two-part construction project is part of NeighborHealth’s ongoing efforts to extend access to healthcare and social services across Greater Boston in response to the Commonwealth’s ongoing healthcare capacity challenges.

The multi-year initiative will add 27,000 sq. feet of clinical space and 60 additional exam rooms to NeighborHealth’s existing East Boston footprint, enabling the health system to accommodate thousands of new primary care patients over the next decade. Conversion of 20 Maverick’s existing 4th floor into clinic space is now in progress.

“There simply isn’t enough access to primary care in Boston, and it’s a challenge that we’re committed to addressing,” said Greg Wilmot, President and CEO at NeighborHealth “This project will help connect more of our neighbors to the high-quality primary care they need and deserve.”

Designed specifically with patient-centered, team-based care in mind, the new fourth floor also supports interdisciplinary collaboration.

“Not only is NeighborHealth investing in more clinical space; we are also investing in our care model which brings a diverse team of medical professionals to fully respond to complex and nuanced needs of today’s patients,” said Dr. Julio Mazul, Vice President and Interim Chief Medical Officer at NeighborHealth. “By working as a team, we are able to care for many more patients across our communities than a traditional primary care practice would be able to.”

In addition to innovative design, NeighborHealth is trailblazing socially responsible and sustainable building practices. In an unprecedented commitment, NeighborHealth is exceeding existing minority participation benchmarks for its construction workforce, requiring that 50% of direct worker hours be fulfilled by minority workers and 40% of total construction funds be paid to minority-owned businesses. Together, these practices set the highest minority participation goals of any construction project within the City of Boston.

“We are truly pushing boundaries when it comes to how we build this space,” said Dr. Ryan Boxill, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. “This project is an investment in the community, and we are setting a new standard in our city, both in terms of our requirements for diversified onsite labor and total project dollars spent on contractor-owned businesses of color.”

The multi-year project will take place in two distinct phases, commencing in 2024.

Phase I: Fourth Floor Clinical Space Conversion

  • The first phase of the project includes the renovation of the existing fourth floor, previously used for administrative offices, into clinical space for Adult Medicine, NeighborHealth’s fastest growing department.
  • The renovation, which began in July 2024, is scheduled for completion in spring 2025 and will host 18 new exam rooms. The project is funded through a combination of federal and state grants, with an estimated budget of $5.5 million.

Phase II: Three-Story Addition

  • The second phase of this project envisions the construction of a three-story addition over the existing parking lot on Paris Street, adding approximately 17,262 square feet to the existing 49,000 square-foot 20 Maverick Square outpatient facility.
  • The proposed design will match the existing building’s height and setback, featuring a glazed exterior that compliments East Boston’s historical architecture and inspires innovation within the community. Construction will begin in 2025/2026 based on ongoing funding.

Phase I rendering of the patient-centered team space being constructed on the 4th floor of 20 Maverick.


Phase II rendering of planned 3-floor addition behind 20 Maverick Square.

To learn more about the about the completion of this project visit: Adição de 20 Maverick Square para aumentar o acesso ao atendimento ao paciente.

Sobre NeighborHealth

O NeighborHealth, anteriormente East Boston Neighborhood Health Center, é um dos maiores Centros de Saúde Federalmente Qualificados (FQHCs) do país e o maior sistema de saúde de atenção primária baseado na comunidade em Massachusetts, atendendo mais de 120.000 pessoas e reconhecido pela Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) como um Líder Nacional de Qualidade. Por mais de 50 anos, o NeighborHealth ofereceu acesso a cuidados primários abrangentes, cuidados especializados e cuidados de emergência para pacientes na Comunidade. Em uma fusão inédita em 2020, o East Boston Neighborhood Health Center uniu forças com o South End Community Health Center e expandiu os serviços para pacientes que vivem e trabalham nos bairros South End e Roxbury de Boston. Com quase 2.000 funcionários, o NeighborHealth defende modelos de atendimento inovadores para preencher ativamente as lacunas de equidade em saúde em nossas comunidades de baixa renda e imigrantes com serviços exclusivos de outros provedores de saúde em nosso estado. Para obter mais informações, visite www.neighborhealth.com.



Justin Auguste

