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Patient services

We’re ready to lend a hand.

Novos pacientes

Are you new to NeighborHealth and need a primary care provider (PCP)? We can help you choose your PCP in the Adult Medicine Department or Family Medicine Department.

Have a patient under 18 in your family? Please call the Pediatrics Department at 617-568-4477.

Pacientes existentes

As our patient and neighbor, you can always count on our Patient Services staff to get the care you need. We’ll help you sign up for health insurance, renew existing plans, and enroll in the East Boston Neighborhood Health Center WellSense Alliance plan.

Call us to make an appointment at 617-568-4600 or visit us at 79 Paris St., 2nd floor, Mon-Fri 8:00 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Your records

Insurance and financial assistance

Other services
& programs

Free shuttle bus

Travel to and from NeighborHealth locations and select neighborhoods around Greater Boston with ease.

Serviços de interpretação

A Grande Boston é uma comunidade vibrante, que exige provedores de assistência médica igualmente diversos. A NeighborHealth oferece serviços em 16 idiomas, interpretação para pacientes durante consultas médicas e sessões de tratamento, bem como tradução de ordens médicas escritas, prescrições, cartas e muito mais.

Care Partner program

Our program makes it easier for loved ones or friends to help coordinate your care. The Patient Services Department is happy to answer any further questions you may have. Our phone number is 617-568-4600.

East Boston Summer Farmers Market

The East Boston Farmers Market runs every Wednesday from July through October. Don't miss out on the fresh produce, live music, and fun.

Baby Safe Haven

Our Satellite Emergency Facility is an officially designated Baby Safe Haven.