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An open letter of thanks from Leanne Sasso-Lusso’s family


East Boston, MA, September 7, 2006—As most of you know, our family recently suffered the loss of our most vibrant, energetic and visible member. Our loss presented our family with the greatest challenge any of us will likely ever face. We all initially searched our minds in an effort to determine what we would need to do to get through this very difficult time. It became very clear very early in the process that it would be all of you who would help carry us through this incredibly difficult time. Your outpouring of support in the form of cards, telephone calls, mass cards, stories, flowers, food, donations and well wishes has initiated the healing process for all of us. For her family, it has been most special to hear your personal stories about your experiences with our Leanne. The stories have provided us with the thoughts we needed to gain and maintain strength during our time of challenge. Never-ending thanks to all!

As a family we are now focusing our thoughts and efforts on making the future as bright and loving as ever for Leanne’s three greatest accomplishments, her children. We all have lots to do! As a family we recently celebrated Larissa’s second birthday, Little Ronnie is looking forward to re-joining his school mates as he prepares for the second grade and Joseph will have a fourth birthday this fall and has plans to become a Power Ranger some day. They are strong, intelligent, energetic, fun children who are and will always be surrounded by family and friends who love them.

Another venture for us will be assisting with the continuation of Leanne’s life work at the East Boston Neighborhood Health Center. Many people did not know Leanne was the health center’s Volunteer Coordinator. She specialized in working with the socially, financially and physically disadvantaged. During her time at the health center Leanne teamed up with Merrill Lynch and TD Bank Financial Group to establish a charitable fund to help supplement the costs associated with the center’s youth mentor, literacy and special needs education programs. Just this past week, in an effort to immortalize and continue Leanne’s work, the health center’s CEO, Mr. Jack Cradock formally converted the fund into what will forever be known as Leanne’s Dream Foundation. The foundation will be run by the volunteer team at the health center and will focus on the continuation of Leanne’s work. They have actually already put up a web site that will help people volunteer and stay in touch. You can locate the web site on the internet at

Once again, thank you for all of your support. In times like these people always ask if there is anything they can do. What we needed you gave us and we will forever be grateful to all of you.