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Patient rights and responsibilities

At NeighborHealth, patient rights and responsibilities are an important part of providing community-based health care.

Proxy: Patient’s Right to Designate a Representative Decision-Maker

The patient may participate in their care and treatment to the fullest extent possible, however, if there are circumstances by which the patient is unable to do so, the patient’s rights may be exercised by the patient’s legally designated representative.

Supporting patient rights

NeighborHealth supports each patient’s right to:

  1. Services of a medical interpreter at no cost to you.
  2. Prompt and adequate response to reasonable requests and needs for treatment or service within NeighborHealth’s capacity.
  3. Prompt, life-saving treatment in an emergency without discrimination on account of economic status or source of payment.
  4. Considerate and respectful care.
  5. Accept or refuse to be examined, observed, or treated by students or any other NeighborHealth staff without jeopardizing access to psychiatric, psychological, or other medical care or attention.
  6. Provide or receive assistance to execute a Health Care Proxy pursuant to law.
  7. Informed consent to the extent provided by law.
  8. Upon request, obtain from NeighborHealth the name and specialty, if any, of the physician or other person responsible for his or her care or the coordination of such care.
  9. Upon admission, obtain information about NeighborHealth’s policy regarding patient rights and responsibilities.
  10. Upon request, receive any information that NeighborHealth has available relative to financial assistance and free health care.
  11. Upon request, obtain an explanation as to the relationship, if any, of NeighborHealth, or any physician practicing at NeighborHealth, to any other health care facility or educational institution, insofar as said relationship relates to the patient’s care or treatment.
  12. Refuse to serve as a research subject or to refuse to accept any care or examination when the primary purpose is educational or informational rather than therapeutic.
  13. Privacy during medical treatment or other rendering of care within NeighborHealth’s capacity.
  14. Confidentiality of records and communications, as prescribed by law.
  15. Upon request, inspect his or her medical record and to receive a copy thereof, as prescribed by law.
  16. Upon request, receive a copy of any itemized NeighborHealth bill or other statement of charges submitted to a third party for the patient’s care.
  17. Complete information on all medically viable alternative treatments in the case of the patients suffering from breast cancer.
  18. Receive information on the risks and benefits of any surgical procedure.
  19. At the time of enrollment to prenatal care, each maternity patient shall receive complete information on birthing options and support while in the hospital.
  20. Appropriate assessment and management of pain.

What we ask of you

  1. To keep appointments, or telephone NeighborHealth when you cannot keep a scheduled appointment.
  2. To provide to the best of your knowledge, accurate and complete information about present complaints, past illnesses, hospitalizations, medications, advance directives, and other matters relevant to health or care.
  3. To inform NeighborHealth promptly if you do not understand any matter relating to your care and treatment or instructions with which you cannot comply.
  4. To be considerate of other patients.
  5. To observe NeighborHealth’s smoke-free policy.
  6. To abide by NeighborHealth’s rules and regulations.
  7. To be responsible for your actions if you refuse treatment or do not follow your practitioner’s instructions.

Please see the Privacy Notice for our policies regarding the use of your personal health information.